Citation: Fisher, Matthew PA. "Are we quantum computers, or merely clever robots." Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 31.07 (2017): 1743001.
Tags: Philosophical
In this essay, Matthew Fisher describes his journey into answering the question of whether or not the brain's function is affected by long-term coherence between quantum states. That is, whether or not the brain is a quantum computer.
The essay is short (8 pages) and very well told. It follows Matthew Fisher's journey, starting with giving Lithium to rats and ending in a well thought out pathway in which our brain would use the internal quantum numbers of Posner molecules to perform its functions.
None of the results from this paper are conclusive, and Fisher reminds us repeatedly that more experiments will be necessary. More than anything, this is a thought provoking piece into the question of the nature of our brains.