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Literature reviews

This is a page where I keep track of all the papers I read. The central theme is "topological quantum information", though I by no means hold myself to that strictly. There are tags on all of the posts to help keep track of things.

Every post contains a brief summary, along with relevant comments. Posts are written to be maximally lucid upon my future re-reading. I make no effort to define, explain, or prove every term/claim. If something is confusing/you want to know more, email me.

By their compressed narrative nature, summaries/stories are much easier to hold on to than primary experiences. I find myself reading lots of papers, and wanting to remember what I read. This often takes the form of an internal summarizing/storytelling.

To help remember things even better I have taken up the task of writing out these stories, along with technical comments, questions, and tidbits that come up along the process.

An additional point is that keeping such a list forces me to get into the habit of crystallizing stories, and it is useful for future reference.

  1. "Anyonic entanglement and topological entanglement entropy", Parsa Bonderson, Christina Knapp, Kaushal Patel, 2017 [reviewed: January 15, 2025]
  2. "More Is Different", Philip Anderson, 1972 [reviewed: January 9, 2025]
  3. "Heegaard splittings of Seifert fibered spaces", Yoav Moriah, 1988 [reviewed: December 11, 2024]
  4. "Effective field theory in condensed matter physics", Ramamurti Shankar, 1999 [reviewed: December 8, 2024]
  5. "Classifying quantum phases using matrix product states and projected entangled pair states", Norbert Schuch, David Perez-Garcia, Ignacio Cira, 2011 [reviewed: December 5, 2024]
  6. "An historical note on the parity of permutation", Thomas Bartlow, 1972 [reviewed: December 2, 2024]
  7. "Third homology of some sporadic finite groups", Theo Johnson-Freyd, David Treumann, 2019 [reviewed: November 27, 2024]
  8. "Computing the center of a fusion category", Fabian Maurer, Ulrich Thiel, 2024 [reviewed: November 27, 2024]
  9. "An index for invertible phases of two-dimensional quantum spin systems", Nikita Sopenko, 2024 [reviewed: November 25, 2024]
  10. "On Ulam stability", Marc Burger, Narutaka Ozawa, Andreas Thom, 2010 [reviewed: November 24, 2024]
  11. "Magic state cultivation: growing T states as cheap as CNOT gates", Craig Gidney, Noah Shutty, Cody Jones, 2024 [reviewed: November 20, 2024]
  12. "Meandering conduction channels and the tunable nature of quantized charge transport", Benoit Doucot, Dmitry Kovrizhin, Roderich Moessner, 2024 [reviewed: November 19, 2024]
  13. "Quantum circuits with mixed states", Dorit Aharonov, Alexei Kitaev, Noam Nisan, 1998 [reviewed: November 18, 2024]
  14. "Quantum theory, the Church-Turing principle and the universal quantum computer", David Deutsch, 1985 [reviewed: November 18, 2024]
  15. "Efficient Preparation of Solvable Anyons with Adaptive Quantum Circuits", Yuanjie Ren, Nathanan Tantivasadakarn, Dominic Williamson, 2024 [reviewed: November 17, 2024]
  16. "A degeneracy bound for homogeneous topological order", Jeongwan Haah, 2021 [reviewed: November 15, 2024]
  17. "Stability of frustration-free Hamiltonians", Spyridon Michalakis, Justyna Zwolak, 2013 [reviewed: November 13, 2024]
  18. "Braiding statistics of loop excitations in three dimensions", Chenjie Wang, Michael Levin, 2014 [reviewed: November 13, 2024]
  19. "The 'transition probability' in the state space of a *-algebra", Armin Uhlmann, 1976 [reviewed: November 11, 2024]
  20. "Quantum money from knots", Edward Farhi et al., 2012 [reviewed: November 11, 2024]
  21. "Bicategories for boundary conditions and for surface defects in 3d TFT", Jurgen Fuchs, Christoph Schweigert, Alessandro Valentino, 2013 [reviewed: November 11, 2024]
  22. "Improved one-dimensional area law for frustration-free systems", Itai Arad, Zeph Landau, Umesh Vazirani, 2012 [reviewed: November 4, 2024]
  23. "Quantum Hamiltonian complexity and the detectability lemma", Dorit Aharonov, Itai Arad, Zeph Landau, Umesh Vazirani, 2010 [reviewed: November 4, 2024]
  24. "Anyon quantum dimensions from an arbitrary ground state wave function", Shang Liu, 2024 [reviewed: November 3, 2024]
  25. "Intrinsic mixed-state topological order without quantum memory", Zijian Wang, Zhengzhi Wu, Zhong Wang, 2023 [reviewed: November 2, 2024]
  26. "Local commuting projector Hamiltonians and the quantum Hall effect", Anton Kapustin, Lukasz Fidkowski, 2020 [reviewed: November 2, 2024]
  27. "Response theory for locally gapped systems", Joscha Henheik, Tom Wessel, 2024 [reviewed: November 2, 2024]
  28. "Topological quantum computation is hyperbolic", Eric Samperton, 2023 [reviewed: November 2, 2024]
  29. "How hard is it to approximate the Jones polynomial?", Greg Kuperberg, 2009 [reviewed: November 2, 2024]
  30. "Coloring invariants of knots and links are often intractable", Greg Kuperberg, Eric Samperton, 2021 [reviewed: October 31, 2024]
  31. "Complexity classes as mathematical axioms", Michael Freedman, 2009 [reviewed: October 31, 2024]
  32. "Cups and Gates I", Nikolas Breuckmann, Margarita Davydova, Jens Eberhardt, Nat Tantivasadakarn, 2024 [reviewed: October 31, 2024]
  33. "Almost-idempotent quantum channels and approximate C^*-algebras", Alexei Kitaev, 2024 [reviewed: October 31, 2024]
  34. "Physics, topology, logic and computation: a Rosetta Stone", John Baez, Mike Stay, 2011 [reviewed: October 31, 2024]
  35. "A single quantum cannot be cloned", William Wotters, Wojciech Zurek, 1982 [reviewed: October 30, 2024]
  36. "A generalized approach to the fundamental group", Daniel Biss, 2000 [reviewed: October 27, 2024]
  37. "An algebraic framework for group duality", Alfons Van Daele, 1998 [reviewed: October 27, 2024]
  38. "Dual-isometric Projected Entangled Pair States", Xie-Hang Yu et al., 2024 [reviewed: October 25, 2024]
  39. "Quantum cellular automata and categorical duality of spin chains", Corey Jones, Kylan Schatz, Dominic Williamson, 2024 [reviewed: October 24, 2024]
  40. "On the critical finite-size gap scaling for frustration-free Hamiltonians", Marius Lemm, Angelo Lucia, 2024 [reviewed: October 15, 2024]
  41. "Quantum union bounds for sequential projective measurements", Jingliang Gao, 2015 [reviewed: October 15, 2024]
  42. "Splitting the topological degeneracy of non-abelian anyons", Parsa Bonderson, 2009 [reviewed: October 11, 2024]
  43. "Measurement-only topological quantum computation", Parsa Bonderson, Michael Freedman, Chetan Nayak, 2008 [reviewed: October 11, 2024]
  44. "Universal gates via fusion and measurement operations on SU(2)_4 anyons", Claire Levaillant, et al., 2015 [reviewed: October 11, 2024]
  45. "Quantum algorithm for linear systems of equations", Adam Harrow, Avinatan Hassidim, Seth Lloyd, 2009 [reviewed: October 6, 2024]
  46. "High-threshold and low-overhead fault-tolerant quantum memory", Sergey Bravyi et al., 2024 [reviewed: October 6, 2024]
  47. "The future of quantum computing with superconducting qubits", Sergey Bravy et al., 2022 [reviewed: October 6, 2024]
  48. "Quantum simulations of hadron dynamics in the Schwinger model using 112 qubits", Roland Farrell et al., 2024 [reviewed: October 6, 2024]
  49. "Reliable cellular automata with self-organization", Peter Gacs, 2001 [reviewed: October 6, 2024]
  50. "Synthetic topological qubits in conventional bilayer quantum Hall systems", Maissam Barkeshli, Xiao-Liang Qi, 2014 [reviewed: September 29, 2024]
  51. "Quantum spin systems on infinite lattices", Pieter Naaijkens, 2013 [reviewed: September 26, 2024]
  52. "Anyon condensation and tensor categories", Liang Kong, 2014 [reviewed: September 23, 2024]
  53. "Monoidal 2-structure of bimodule categories", Justin Greenough, 2010 [reviewed: September 22, 2024]
  54. "Broken quantum symmetry and confinement phases in planar physics", Alexander Bais, Bernd Schroers, Joost Slingerland, 2002 [reviewed: September 18, 2024]
  55. "Symmetry defects and their application to topological quantum computing", Colleen Delaney, Zhenghan Wang, 2020 [reviewed: September 12, 2024]
  56. "Classifying 2D topological phases: mapping ground states to string-nets", Isaac Kim, Daniel Ranard, 2024 [reviewed: September 11, 2024]
  57. "Generalized string-net models: A thorough exposition", Chien-Hung Lin, Michael Levin, Fiona Burnell, 2021 [reviewed: September 11, 2024]
  58. "Classification of translation invariant topological Pauli stabilizer codes for prime dimensional qudits on two-dimensional lattices", Jeongwan Haah, 2021 [reviewed: September 11, 2024]
  59. "On enriching the Levin-Wen model with symmetry", Liang Chang et al., 2015 [reviewed: September 11, 2024]
  60. "'Fractional statistics' in arbitrary dimensions: A generalization of the Pauli principle", Duncan Haldane, 1991 [reviewed: September 10, 2024]
  61. "Phase transition in random circuit sampling", Google quantum AI and collaborators, 2023 [reviewed: September 10, 2024]
  62. "Demonstration of quantum computation and error correction with a tesseract code", Ben Reichardt, et al., 2024 [reviewed: September 10, 2024]
  63. "Classification of Cellular Fake Surfaces", Lucas Fagan, Yang Qiu, Zhenghan Wang, 2024 [reviewed: September 10, 2024]
  64. "Quantum error correction below the surface code threshold", Google quantum AI and collaborators, 2024 [reviewed: September 10, 2024]
  65. "Quantum conditional mutual information and approximate Markov chains", Omar Fawzi, Renato Renner, 2015 [reviewed: September 9, 2024]
  66. "Conditional independence in quantum many-body systems", Isaac Kim, 2013 [reviewed: September 9, 2024]
  67. "Ground-state degeneracy of the fractional quantum Hall states", Xiao-Gang Wen, Qian Niu, 1990 [reviewed: September 9, 2024]
  68. "Entanglement bootstrap approach for gapped domain walls", Bowen Shi, Isaac Kim, 2021 [reviewed: September 9, 2024]
  69. "W-state is not the unique ground state of any local Hamiltonian", Lei Gioia, Ryan Thorngren, 2023 [reviewed: September 9, 2024]
  70. "Discontinuity of maximum entropy inference and quantum phase transitions", Jianxin Chen et al., 2015 [reviewed: September 5, 2024]
  71. "Fusion structure from exchange symmetry in (2+ 1)-dimensions", Sachin Valera, 2021 [reviewed: September 5, 2024]
  72. "Information-theoretical analysis of topological entanglement entropy and multipartite correlations", Kohtaro Kato, Fabian Furrer, Mio Murao, 2016 [reviewed: September 5, 2024]
  73. "Extracting Wilson loop operators and fractional statistics from a single bulk ground state", Ze-Pei Cian, Mohammad Hafezi, Maissam Barkeshli, 2022 [reviewed: September 5, 2024]
  74. "Chiral central charge from a single bulk wave function", Isaac Kim, Bowen Shi, Kohtaro Kato, Victor Albert, 2022 [reviewed: September 5, 2024]
  75. "Verlinde formula from entanglement", Bowen Shi, 2020 [reviewed: September 4, 2024]
  76. "Fusion rules from entanglement", Bowen Shi, Kohtaro Kato, Isaac Kim, 2020 [reviewed: September 4, 2024]
  77. "Conformal Field Theory Ground States as Critical Points of an Entropy Function", Ting-Chun Lin, John McGreevy, 2023 [reviewed: September 4, 2024]
  78. "Boundary topological entanglement entropy in two and three dimensions", Jacob Bridgeman, Benjamin Brown, Samuel Elman, 2022 [reviewed: September 4, 2024]
  79. "Structure of states which satisfy strong subadditivity of quantum entropy with equality", Patrick Hayden, Richard Jozsa, Denes Petz, Andreas Winter, 2004 [reviewed: September 3, 2024]
  80. "Quasiparticle statistics and braiding from ground-state entanglement", Yi Zhang, et al., 2012 [reviewed: September 2, 2024]
  81. "Fermionic quantum computation", Sergey Bravyi, Alexei Kitaev, 2002 [reviewed: August 30, 2024]
  82. "Area laws and efficient descriptions of quantum many-body states", Yimin Ge, Jens Eisert, 2016 [reviewed: August 30, 2024]
  83. "The structure of Renyi entropic inequalities", Noah Linden, Milan Mosonyi, Andreas Winter, 2013 [reviewed: August 30, 2024]
  84. "Spectral gap and exponential decay of correlations", Matthew Hastings, Tohru Koma, 2006 [reviewed: August 30, 2024]
  85. "Quantum algorithm for simulating real time evolution of lattice Hamiltonians", Jeongwan Haah, Matthew Hastings, Robin Kothari, Guang Hao Low, 2021 [reviewed: August 30, 2024]
  86. "Random MERA states and the tightness of the Brandao-Horodecki entropy bound", Matthew Hastings, 2015 [reviewed: August 30, 2024]
  87. "Universal lower bound on topological entanglement entropy", Isaac Kim, Michael Levin, Ting-Chun Lin, Daniel Ranard, Bowen Shi, 2023 [reviewed: August 29, 2024]
  88. "A new operator extension of strong subadditivity of quantum entropy", Ting-Chun Lin, Isaac Kim, Min-Hsiu Hsieh, 2023 [reviewed: August 29, 2024]
  89. "On the informational completeness of local observables", Isaac Kim, 2014 [reviewed: August 29, 2024]
  90. "Seeing topological entanglement through the information convex", Bowen Shi, 2019 [reviewed: August 29, 2024]
  91. "Characterizing topological order by the information convex", Bowen Shi, Yuan-Ming Lu, 2019 [reviewed: August 29, 2024]
  92. "Spurious topological entanglement entropy from subsystem symmetries", Dominic Williamson, Arpit Dua, Meng Cheng, 2019 [reviewed: August 28, 2024]
  93. "Spurious long-range entanglement and replica correlation length", Liujun Zou, Jeongwan Haah, 2016 [reviewed: August 28, 2024]
  94. "Efficient magic state factories with a catalyzed |CCZ> -> 2|T> transformation", Craig Gidney, Austin Fowler, 2019 [reviewed: August 23, 2024]
  95. "Interacting anyons in topological quantum liquids: The golden chain", Adrian Feiguin et al., 2007 [reviewed: August 23, 2024]
  96. "Topological entanglement Renyi entropy and reduced density matrix structure", Steven Flammia, Alioscia Hamma, Taylor Hughes, Xiao-Gang Wen, 2009 [reviewed: August 23, 2024]
  97. "Entanglement, fidelity, and topological entropy in a quantum phase transition to topological order", Alioscia Hamma et al., 2008 [reviewed: August 21, 2024]
  98. "Entanglement Spectrum as a Generalization of Entanglement Entropy", Hui Li, Duncan Haldane, 2008 [reviewed: August 21, 2024]
  99. "Detecting topological order in a ground state wave function", Michael Levin, Xiao-Gang Wen, 2006 [reviewed: August 21, 2024]
  100. "Braid topologies for quantum computation", Steve Simon, Nick Bonesteel, Layla Hormozi, Georgios Zikos, 2005 [reviewed: August 21, 2024]
  101. "Categorical Morita equivalence for group-theoretical categories", Deepak Naidu, 2007 [reviewed: August 19, 2024
  102. "Tensor categories", EGNO, 2015 [reviewed: August 19, 2024]
  103. "Models for gapped boundaries and domain walls", Alexei Kitaev, Liang Kong, 2012 [reviewed: August 19, 2024]
  104. "Matrix product states and projected entangled pair states: Concepts, symmetries, theorems", Ignacio Cirac et al., 2021 [reviewed: March 31, 2024]
  105. "Congruence subgroups and super-modular categories", Parsa Bonderson, Eric Rowell, Zhenghan wang, Qing Zhang, 2018 [reviewed: March 31, 2024]
  106. "Weakly group-theoretical and solvable fusion categories", Pavel Etingof, Dmitri Nikshych, Victor Ostrik, 2009 [reviewed: March 23, 2024]
  107. "Higher central charges and topological boundaries in 2+1-dimensional TQFTs", Justin Kaidi et al., 2021 [reviewed: March 23, 2024]
  108. "Microscopic definitions of anyon data", Kyle Kawagoe, Michael Levin, 2019 [reviewed: March 23, 2024]
  109. "Varieties whose finitely generated members are free", Keith Kearnes, Emil Kiss, Agnes Szendrei, 2016 [reviewed: March 23, 2024]
  110. "Quantum measurements without sums", Bob Coecke, Dusko Pavlovic, 2008 [reviewed: March 23, 2024]
  111. "Beyond anyons", Zhenghan Wang, 2017 [reviewed: March 23, 2024]
  112. "Fermionic modular categories and the 16-fold way", Bruillard et al., 2017 [reviewed: March 23, 2024]
  113. "Anyons in an exactly solved model and beyond", Alexei Kitaev, 2006 [reviewed: March 23, 2024]
  114. "Topological Quantum Computation", Zhenghan Wang, 2010 [reviewed: March 23, 2024]
  115. "A categorical perspective on symmetry, topological order, and quantum information", Colleen Delaney, 2019 [reviewed: March 23, 2024]
  116. "The topological theory of defects in ordered media", David Mermin, 1979 [reviewed: March 23, 2024]
  117. "A categorical perspective on symmetry, topological order, and quantum information", Colleen Delaney, 2019 [reviewed: March 23, 2024]
  118. "Module categories, weak hopf algebras, and modular invariants", Viktor Ostrik, 2001 [reviewed: March 23, 2024]
  119. "The rank of G-crossed braided extensions of modular tensor categories", Marcel Bischoff, 2020 [reviewed: March 23, 2024]
  120. "Fusion categories and homotopy theory", Pavel Etingof, Dmitri Nikshych, Victor Ostrik, 2010 [reviewed: March 23, 2024]
  121. "A Hermitian TQFT from a non-semisimple category of quantum sl(2)-modules", Nathan Geer et al., 2022 [reviewed: March 22, 2024]
  122. "Quantum Error Correction with the Semion Code", Guillaume Dauphinais et al., 2019 [reviewed: March 22, 2024]
  123. "A class of P, T-invariant topological phases of interacting electrons", Michael Freedman et al., 2004 [reviewed: March 22, 2024]
  124. "Uniqueness of unitary structure for unitarizable fusion categories", David Reutter, 2023 [reviewed: March 21, 2024]
  125. "Building manifolds from quantum codes", Michael Freedman, Matthew Hastings, 2021 [reviewed: March 15, 2024]
  126. "Good quantum error-correcting codes exist", Robert Calderbank, Peter Shor, 1996 [reviewed: March 14, 2024]
  127. "Invariants of piecewise-linear 3-manifolds", John Barrett, Bruce Westbury, 1996 [reviewed: March 13, 2024]
  128. "String-net model of Turaev-Viro invariants", Alexander Kirillov, 2011 [reviewed: March 13, 2024]
  129. "Ground subspaces of topological phases of matter as error correcting codes", Qiu Yang, Zhenghan Wang, 2020 [reviewed: March 13, 2024]
  130. "Straightening out the Frobenius-Schur indicator", Steven Simon, Joost Slingerland, 2022 [reviewed: February 26, 2024]
  131. "The Penrose Tiling is a Quantum Error-Correcting Code", Zhi Li and Latham Boyle, 2023 [reviewed: February 26, 2024]
  132. "Are we quantum computers, or merely clever robots?", Matthew Fisher, 2017 [reviewed: February 25, 2024]
  133. "Generalized symmetries in condensed matter", John McGreevy, 2023 [reviewed: February 24, 2024]
  134. "The fragility of quantum information?", Barbara Terhal, 2012 [reviewed: February 24, 2024]
  135. "Tradeoffs for reliable quantum information storage in 2D systems", Sergey Bravyi, David Poulin, Barbara Terhal, 2010 [reviewed: February 24, 2024]
  136. "Information storage capacity of discrete spin systems", Beni Yoshida, 2013 [reviewed: February 23, 2024]
  137. "Making better sense of quantum mechanics", David Mermin, 2018 [reviewed: February 18, 2024]
  138. "On classification of modular tensor categories", Eric Rowell, Richard Stong, Zhenghan Wang, 2009 [reviewed: February 16, 2024]
  139. "Asymptotically good quantum and locally testable classical LDPC codes", Pavel Panteleev, Gleb Kalachev, 2022 [reviewed: February 16, 2024]
  140. "An analogue of Radford's S4 formula for finite tensor categories", Pavel Etingof, Dmitri Nikshych, Viktor Ostrik, 2004 [reviewed: February 16, 2024]
  141. "From categories to anyons: a travelogue", Kerstin Beer et al., 2018 [reviewed: February 11, 2024]
  142. "Chiral topologically ordered states on a lattice from vertex operator algebras", Nikita Sopenko, 2023 [reviewed: February 10, 2024]
  143. "Symplectic, Quaternionic, Fermionic", John Baez, 2014 [reviewed: February 4, 2024]
  144. "Traced monoidal categories", Andre Joyal, Ross Street, Dominic Verity, 1996 [reviewed: February 4, 2024]
  145. "Non-Abelian anyons and interferometry", Parsa Bonderson, 2012 [reviewed: February 4, 2024]
  146. "Quantum phases of vortices in rotating Bose-Einstein condensates", Nigel Cooper, Nicola Wilkin, Mike Gunn, 2001 [reviewed: February 3, 2024]
  147. "Quasi-topological phases of matter and topological protection", Parsa Bonderson, Cheten Nayak, 2013 [reviewed: February 2, 2024]
  148. "Measuring topological order", Parsa Bonderson, 2021 [reviewed: February 2, 2024]
  149. "Observation of half-integer thermal Hall conductance", Banerjee et al., 2018 [reviewed: February 2, 2024]
  150. "The theory of probability", Andrey Kolomogorov, 1963 [reviewed: February 2, 2024]
  151. "Symmetry protected topological orders and the group cohomology of their symmetry group", Xie Chen et al., 2013 [reviewed: January 28, 2024]
  152. "Statistical mechanics: Rigorous results", David Ruelle, 1969 [reviewed: January 28, 2024]
  153. "Square kagome quantum antiferromagnet and the eight-vertex model", Rahul Siddharthan, Antoine Georges, 2001 [reviewed: January 28, 2024]
  154. "Growth rates of the number of indecomposable summands in tensor powers", Kevin Coulembier, Victor Ostrik, Daniel Tubbenhauer, 2023 [reviewed: January 21, 2024]
  155. "On generalized symmetries and structure of modular categories", Shawn Cui, Modjtaba Zini, Zhenghan Wang, 2019 [reviewed: January 15, 2024]
  156. "Modular categories are not determined by their modular data", Michael Mignard, Peter Schauenburg, 2021 [reviewed: January 15, 2024]
  157. "Finiteness for mapping class group representations from twisted Dijkgraaf-Witten theory", Paul Gustafson, 2018 [reviewed: January 15, 2024]
  158. "The boundaries and twist defects of the color code and their applications to topological quantum computation", Markus Kesselring et al., 2018 [reviewed: January 14, 2024]
  159. "Topological entanglement entropy with a twist", Benjamin Brown et al., 2013 [reviewed: January 14, 2024]
  160. "Topological entanglement entropy", Alexei Kitaev, John Preskill, 2006 [reviewed: January 14, 2024]
  161. "Two-dimensional color-code quantum computation", Austin Fowler, 2011 [reviewed: January 14, 2024]
  162. "The boundaries and twist defects of the color code and their applications to topological quantum computation", Markus Kesselring and others, 2018 [reviewed: January 14, 2024]
  163. "Topological quantum distillation", Hector Bombin, Miguel Angel Martin-Delgado, 2006 [reviewed: January 14, 2024]
  164. "Fault-tolerant quantum computation", Peter Shor, 1996 [reviewed: January 14, 2024]
  165. "Quantum computations: algorithms and error correction", Alexei Kitaev, 1997 [reviewed: January 14, 2024]
  166. "Subfactors from regular graphs induced by association schemes", Radhakrishnan Balu, 2022 [reviewed: January 9, 2024]
  167. "Association schemes and fusion algebras (an introduction)", Eiichi Bannai, 1993 [reviewed: January 9, 2024]
  168. "Twist defects and projective non-Abelian braiding statistics", Maissam Barkeshli, Chao-Ming Jian, Xiao-Liang Qi, 2013 [reviewed: January 2, 2024]
  169. "Adiabatic paths of Hamiltonians, symmetries of topological order, and automorphism codes", David Aasen, Zhenghan Wang, Matthew Hastings, 2022 [reviewed: January 1, 2024]
  170. "The group structure of quantum cellular automata", Michael Freedman, Jeongwan Haah, Matthew Hastings, 2022 [reviewed: January 1, 2024]
  171. "Topological order with a twist: Ising anyons from an Abelian model", Hector Bombin, 2010 [reviewed: December 31, 2023]
  172. "Indistinguishable chargeon-fluxion pairs in the quantum double of finite groups", Salman Beigi, Peter Shor, Daniel Whalen, 2010 [reviewed: December 31, 2023]
  173. "Quasi-quantum groups related to orbifold models", Robbert Dijkgraaf, Vincent Pasquier, Philippe Roche, 1990 [reviewed: December 31, 2023]
  174. "Non-local finite-depth circuits for constructing SPT states and quantum cellular automata", David Stephen et al., 2022 [reviewed: December 29, 2023]
  175. "Mapping between Morita-equivalent string-net states with a constant depth quantum circuit", Laurens Lootens et al., 2022 [reviewed: December 29, 2023]
  176. "Graph gauge theory of mobile non-Abelian anyons in a qubit stabilizer code", Yuri Lensky, Kostyantyn Kechedzhi, Igor Aleiner, Eun-Ah Kim, 2022 [reviewed: December 29, 2023]
  177. "On topology of the moduli space of gapped Hamiltonians for topological phases", Po-Shen Hsin, Zhenghan Wang, 2023 [reviewed: December 29, 2023]
  178. "Topological quantum order: stability under local perturbations", Sergey Bravyi, Matthew Hastings, Spyridon Michalakis, 2010 [reviewed: December 29, 2023]
  179. "A blueprint for a topologically fault-tolerant quantum computer", Parsa Bonderson Sankar Das Sarma, Michael Freedman, Chetan Nayak, 2010 [reviewed: December 29, 2023]
  180. "Radical chiral Floquet phases in a periodically driven Kitaev model and beyond", Hoi Chun Po et al., 2017 [reviewed: December 29, 2023]
  181. "Dynamically generated logical qubits", Matthew Hastings, Jeongwan Haah, 2021 [reviewed: December 29, 2023]
  182. "Homotopy quantum field theory", Vladimir Turaev, 2010 [reviewed: December 29, 2023]
  183. "Universality of Z3 parafermions via edge-mode interaction and quantum simulation of topological space evolution with Rydberg atoms", Asmae Benhemou et al., 2023 [reviewed: December 29, 2023]
  184. "Boundary conditions, fusion rules and the Verlinde formula", John Cardy, 1989 [reviewed: December 29, 2023]
  185. "Fusion rules and modular transformations in 2D conformal field theory", Erik Verlinde, 1988 [reviewed: December 29, 2023]
  186. "Topological quantum field theories derived from the Kauffman bracket", Christian Blanchet et al., 1995 [reviewed: December 29, 2023]
  187. "Construction of the Reshetikhin-Turaev TQFT from conformal field theory", Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, Kenji Ueno, 2014 [reviewed: December 28, 2023]
  188. "Lectures on RCFT", Gregory Moore, Nathan Seiberg, 1990 [reviewed: December 28, 2023]
  189. "The geometry of tensor calculus, I", Andre Joyal, Ross Street, 1991 [reviewed: December 27, 2023]
  190. "Classical and quantum conformal field theory", Gregory Moore, Nathan Seiberg, 1989 [reviewed: December 27, 2023]
  191. "Quantum SU(2) faithfully detects mapping class groups modulo center", Michael Freedman, Kevin Walker, Zhenghan Wang, 2002 [reviewed: December 27, 2023]
  192. "Quantum invariants of knots and 3-manifolds", Vladimir Turaev, 1994 [reviewed: December 26, 2023]
  193. "Topological quantum field theory", Michael Atiyah, 1988 [reviewed: December 26, 2023]
  194. "Topological quantum field theory", Edward Witten, 1988 [reviewed: December 26, 2023]
  195. "Braided monoidal categories", Andre Joyal, Ross Street, 1986 [reviewed: December 19, 2023]
  196. "Dawn of the topological age?", Arthur Ramirez, Brian Skinner, 2020 [reviewed: December 17, 2023]
  197. "Large, nonsaturating thermopower in a quantizing magnetic field", Brian Skinner, Liang Fu, 2018 [reviewed: December 17, 2023]
  198. "Majorana bound states in magnetic skyrmions", Guang Yang et al., 2016 [reviewed: December 17, 2023]
  199. "Topological Superconductivity Mediated by Skyrmionic Magnons", Kristian Maeland, Asle Sudbo, 2023 [reviewed: December 16, 2023]
  200. "Manipulating Topological Phases in Magnetic Topological Insulators", Gang Qiu et al., 2023 [reviewed: December 16, 2023]
  201. "Proposal for a negative capacitance topological quantum field-effect transistor", Michael Fuhrer et al., 2021 [reviewed: December 16, 2023]
  202. "Perspective on skyrmion spintronics", Christopher Marrows, Katharina Zeissler, 2021 [reviewed: December 16, 2023]
  203. "Superconducting proximity effect and Majorana fermions at the surface of a topological insulator", Liang Fu, Charles Kane, 2008 [reviewed: December 16, 2023]
  204. "The BQP-hardness of approximating the Jones polynomial", Dorit Aharonov, Itai Arad, 2011 [reviewed: December 16, 2023]
  205. "A model study of present-day Hall-effect circulators", Benedikt Placke et al., 2017 [reviewed: November 30, 2023]
  206. "Majorana fermions in a tunable semiconductor device", Jason Alicea, 2010 [reviewed: November 27, 2023]
  207. "Introduction to topological superconductivity and Majorana fermions", Martin Leijnse, Jarsten Flensberg, 2012 [reviewed: November 17, 2023]
  208. "A silicon-based nuclear spin quantum computer", Bruce Kane, 1998 [reviewed: November 17, 2023]
  209. "The theory of phase transitions", Lev Landau, 1936 [reviewed: November 16, 2023]
  210. "Majorana zero modes and topological quantum computation", Sankar Das Sarma, Michael Freedman, Cheten Nayak, 2015 [reviewed: November 11, 2023]
  211. "2-categories and Zamolodchikov tetrahedra equations", Mikhail Kapranov, Vladimir Voevodsky, 1994 [reviewed: November 10, 2023]
  212. "Projective ribbon permutation statistics: A remnant of non-Abelian braiding in higher dimensions", Michael Freedman, Zhenghan Wang, Cheten Nayak, et al., 2011 [reviewed: November 7, 2023]
  213. "Majorana fermions and non-Abelian statistics in three dimensions", Jeffrey Teo, Charles Kane, 2010 [reviewed: November 7, 2023]
  214. "Room-temperature manipulation and decoherence of a single spin in diamond", Ronald Hanson et. al, 2006 [reviewed: November 2, 2023]
  215. "Dislocations as single photon sources in two-dimensional semiconductors", Xiaocheng Zhou, Zhuhua Zhang, Wanlin Guo, 2020 [reviewed: October 19, 2023]
  216. "A survey of graphical languages for monoidal categories", Peter Selinger, 2023 [reviewed: October 15, 2023]
  217. "Comments on the classification of the finite subgroups of SU(3)", Patrick Otto Ludl, 2011 [reviewed: October 13, 2023]
  218. "Dilogarithm identities for conformal field theories and cluster algebras: simply laced case", Tomoki Nakanishi, 2011 [reviewed: October 13, 2023]
  219. "Modular categories as representations of the 3-dimensional bordism 2-category", Bruce Bartlett, et. al, 2015 [reviewed: October 10, 2023]
  220. "Rank-finiteness for modular categories", Paul Bruillard, Siu-Hung Ng, Eric Rowell, Zhenghan Wang, 2016 [reviewed: October 8, 2023]
  221. "On Vafa's theorem for tensor categories", Pavel Etingof, 2002 [reviewed: October 8, 2023]
  222. "Wavefunctionology: The special structure of certain fractional quantum Hall wavefunctions", Steven Simon, 2020 [reviewed: October 8, 2023]
  223. "Topological quantum information theory", Louis Kauffman, Samuel Lomonaco, 2009 [reviewed: October 7, 2023]
  224. "Samuel Beckett's Guide to Particles and Antiparticles", Brian Skinner, 2015 [reviewed: October 7, 2023]
  225. "Localization of unitary braid group representations", Eric Rowell, Zhenghan Wang, 2012 [reviewed: October 7, 2023]
  226. "Symmetry fractionalization, defects, and gauging of topological phases", Maissam Barkeshli, Parsa Bonderson, Meng Cheng, Zhenghan Wang, 2019 [reviewed: October 6, 2023]
  227. "Discrete non-Abelian gauge theories in Josephson-junction arrays and quantum computation", Benoit Doucot, Lev Ioffe, Julien Vidal, 2004 [reviewed: October 6, 2023]
  228. "A short guide to anyons and modular functors", Simon Burton, 2023 [reviewed: October 1, 2023]
  229. "Adaptive constant-depth circuits for manipulating non-abelian anyons", Sergey Bravyi, et al., 2022 [reviewed: October 1, 2023]
  230. "Spin networks in gauge theory", John Baez, 1996 [reviewed: October 1, 2023]
  231. "A statistical mechanics view on Kitaev's proposal for quantum memories", Robert Alicki, Mark Fannes, Michał Horodecki, 2007 [reviewed: October 1, 2023]
  232. "Haag duality and the distal split property for cones in the toric code", Pieter Naaijkens, 2012 [reviewed: October 1, 2023]
  233. "Kitaev's quantum double model as an error correcting code", Shawn Cui, Stanford physics people, 2020 [reviewed: October 1, 2023]
  234. "Mapping Kitaev's quantum double lattice models to Levin and Wen's string-net models", Oliver Buerschaper, Miguel Aguado, 2009 [reviewed: October 1, 2023]
  235. "An invitation to topological orders and category theory", Liang Kong, Zhi-Hao Zhang, 2022 [reviewed: September 13, 2023]
  236. "Metaplectic categories, gauging and property F", Paul Gustafson, Eric Rowell, Yuze Ruan, 2020 [reviewed: September 13, 2023]
  237. "Quantum codes, CFTs, and defects", Matthew Buican, Anatoly Dymarsky, Rajath Radhakrishnan, 2023 [reviewed: September 13, 2023]
  238. "Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Field Theories", conference proceeding, 2015 [reviewed: September 13, 2023]
  239. "On the history of the algebraic theory of quadratic forms", Winfried Scharlau, 2000 [reviewed: September 13, 2023]
  240. "Geometric search for Hadamard matrices", Jeffery Kline, 2019 [reviewed: September 12, 2023]
  241. "Higher linear algebra in topology and quantum information theory", David Reutter, 2019 [reviewed: September 12, 2023]
  242. "Qudits and high-dimensional quantum computing", Yuchen Wang, Zixuan Hu, Barry Sanders, Sabre Kais, 2020 [reviewed: September 6, 2023]
  243. "Bulk-edge correspondence in (2+ 1)-dimensional abelian topological phases", Chetan Nayak, et al., 2014 [reviewed: September 6, 2023]
  244. "In and around Abelian anyon models", Zhenghan Wang, Liang Wang, 2020 [reviewed: September 6, 2023]
  245. "Anyonic Symmetries and Topological Defects in Abelian Topological Phases: an application to the ADE Classification", Mayukh Nilay Khan, et al., 2014 [reviewed: September 5, 2023]
  246. "A concise guide to complex Hadamard matrices", Wojciech Tadej, Karol Zyczkowski, 2006 [reviewed: September 5, 2023]
  247. "A hierarchy of anyon models realised by twists in stacked surface codes", Thomas Scruby, Dan Browne, 2020 [reviewed: September 4, 2023]
  248. "Universal fault-tolerant quantum computing with stabilizer codes", Paul Webster et al., 2022 [reviewed: September 4, 2023]
  249. "Introduction to representation theory", Pavel Etingof et al., 2009 [reviewed: September 4, 2023]
  250. "Pseudo-Hermitian Levin-Wen models from non-semisimple TQFTs", Nathan Geer, et al., 2022 [reviewed: September 4, 2023]
  251. "Hochschild Cohomology, Modular Tensor Categories, and Mapping Class Groups I", Simon Lentner, et al., 2023 [reviewed: September 4, 2023]
  252. "Origins of the Temperley-Lieb algebra: early history", Stephen Doty, Anthony Giaquinto, 2023 [reviewed: September 1, 2023]
  253. "Index for subfactors", Vaughan Jones, 1983 [reviewed: September 1, 2023]
  254. "Non-binary unitary error bases and quantum codes", Emanuel Knill, 1996 [reviewed: September 1, 2023]
  255. "A polynomial invariant for knots via von Neumann algebras", Vaughn Jones, 1985 [reviewed: August 31, 2023]
  256. "State sum invariants of 3-manifolds and quantum 6j-symbols", Vladimir Turaev, Oleg Viro, 1992 [reviewed: August 31, 2023]
  257. "Invariants of 3-manifolds via link polynomials and quantum groups", Nicolai Reshetikhin, Vladimir Turaev, 1991 [reviewed: August 31, 2023]
  258. "Quantum field theory and the Jones polynomial", Edward Witten, 1989 [reviewed: August 31, 2023]
  259. "Quantum Groups at Roots of Unity and Modularity", Stephen Sawin, 2006 [reviewed: August 31, 2023]
  260. "Lectures on tensor categories and modular functors", Bojko Bakalov, Alexander Kirillov, 2001 [reviewed: August 31, 2023]
  261. "From Quantum Groups to Unitary Modular Tensor Categories", Eric Rowell, 2006 [reviewed: August 31, 2023]
  262. "Subfactors and mathematical physics", David Evans, Yasuyuki Kawahigashi, 2023 [reviewed: August 31, 2023]
  263. "Turaev-Viro invariants as an extended TQFT III", Benjamin Balsam, 2010 [reviewed: August 31, 2023]
  264. "Mixed-state TQFTs", Modjtaba Shokrian Zini, Zhenghan Wang, 2021 [reviewed: August 31, 2023]
  265. "From subfactors to categories and topology II: The quantum double of tensor categories and subfactors", Michael Muger, 2003 [reviewed: August 31, 2023]
  266. "From subfactors to categories and topology I: Frobenius algebras in and Morita equivalence of tensor categories", Michael Muger, 2003 [reviewed: August 31, 2023]
  267. "Quantum advantage of unitary Clifford circuits with magic state inputs", Mithuna Yoganathan, Richard Jozsa, Sergii Strelchuk, 2019 [reviewed: August 25, 2023]
  268. "Quantum double finite group algebras and their representations", Mark Gould, 1993 [reviewed: August 25, 2023]
  269. "Trading classical and quantum computational resources", Sergey Bravyi, Graeme Smith, John Smolin, 2016 [reviewed: August 25, 2023]
  270. "Congruence subgroups and generalized Frobenius-Schur indicators", Siu-Hung Ng, Peter Schauenburg, 2010 [reviewed: August 25, 2023]
  271. "Semi-Clifford operations, structure of C_k hierarchy, and gate complexity for fault-tolerant quantum computation", Bei Zeng, Xie Chen, Isaac Chuang, 2008 [reviewed: August 25, 2023]
  272. "Universal quantum computation with ideal Clifford gates and noisy ancillas", Sergey Bravyi, Alexei Kitaev, 2005 [reviewed: August 25, 2023]
  273. "Quantum Teleportation is a Universal Computational Primitive", Daniel Gottesman, Isaac Chuang, 1999 [reviewed: August 25, 2023]
  274. "Indicators of Tambara-Yamagami categories and Gauss sums", Tathagata Basak, Ryan Johnson, 2015 [reviewed: August 24, 2023]
  275. "Quadratic forms on finite groups, and related topics", Charles Wall, 1963 [reviewed: August 24, 2023]
  276. "Surface code quantum computing by lattice surgery", Dominic Horsman, Austin Fowler, Simon Devitt, Rodney Van Meter, 2012 [reviewed: August 24, 2023]
  277. "Lattice Surgery with a Twist: Simplifying Clifford Gates of Surface Codes", Daniel Litinski, Felix von Oppen, 2018 [reviewed: August 24, 2023]
  278. "Solutions of the hexagon equation for abelian anyons", Cesar Galindo, Nicolas Jaramillo Torres, 2016 [reviewed: August 23, 2023]
  279. "NP-complete Problems and Physical Reality", Scott Aaronson, 2005 [reviewed: August 23, 2023]
  280. "Parafermions in a Kagome lattice of qubits for topological quantum computation", Adrian Hutter, James Wootton, Daniel Loss, 2015 [reviewed: August 22, 2023]
  281. "Quantum Computing with Parafermions", Adrian Hutter, Daniel Loss, 2016 [reviewed: August 22, 2023]
  282. "Universal quantum computation with weakly integral anyons", Shawn Cui, Seung-Moon Hong, Zhenghan Wang, 2015 [reviewed: August 22, 2023]
  283. "The Quantum Double Model with Boundary: Condensations and Symmetries", Salman Beigi, Peter Shor, Daniel Whalen, 2011 [reviewed: August 21, 2023]
  284. "Nested Topological Order", Hector Bombin, Miguel Martin-Delgado, 2011 [reviewed: August 21, 2023]
  285. "Quantum double aspects of surface code models", Alexander Cowtan, Shahn Majid, 2022 [reviewed: August 21, 2023]
  286. "Ribbon operators in the generalized Kitaev quantum double model based on Hopf algebras", Bowen Yan, Penghua Chen, Shawn Cui, 2022 [reviewed: August 21, 2023]
  287. "A Family of Non-Abelian Kitaev Models on a Lattice: Topological Confinement and Condensation", Hector Bombin, Miguel Martin-Delgado, 2008 [reviewed: August 21, 2023]
  288. "Topological quantum computation with gapped boundaries", Iris Cong, Meng Cheng, Zhenghan Wang, 2015 [reviewed: August 21, 2023]
  289. "Logical Blocks for Fault-Tolerant Topological Quantum Computation", PsiQuantum, 2023 [reviewed: August 21, 2023]
  290. "3-Fermion topological quantum computation", Sam Roberts, Dominic Williamson, 2020 [reviewed: August 21, 2023]
  291. "Universal Quantum Computation with Gapped Boundaries", Iris Cong, Meng Cheng, Zhenghan Wang, 2017 [reviewed: August 18, 2023]
  292. "Fault-tolerant conversion between the steane and reed-muller quantum codes", Jonas Anderson, Guillaume Duclos-Cianci, David Poulin, 2014 [reviewed: August 18,2023]
  293. "Gauge color codes: optimal transversal gates and gauge fixing in topological stabilizer codes", Hector Bombin, 2015 [reviewed: August 18, 2023]
  294. "Quantum Control in the Cs 6S_(1/2) Ground Manifold Using r-f and mu-w Magnetic Fields", Poul Jessen's lab, 2013 [reviewed: August 18, 2023]
  295. "Classification of topologically protected gates for local stabilizer codes", Sergey Bravyi, Robert Konig, 2013 [reviewed: August 18, 2023]
  296. "Qudit color codes and gauge color codes in all spatial dimensions", Fern Watson, Earl Campbell, Hussain Anwar, Dan Browne, 2015 [reviewed: August 18, 2023]
  297. "Qudit surface codes and gauge theory with finite cyclic groups", Stephen Bullock, Gavin Brennen, 2007 [reviewed: August 18, 2023]
  298. "Homological Error Correction: Classical and Quantum Codes", Hector Bombin, Miguel Martin-Delgado, 2007 [reviewed: August 18, 2023]
  299. "Is quantum mechanics useful?", Rolf Landauer, 1995 [reviewed: August 18, 2023]
  300. "Transversal Clifford gates on folded surface codes", Jonathan Moussa, 2016 [reviewed: August 18, 2023]
  301. "Quantum circuits for qubit fusion", Jonathan Moussa, 2015 [reviewed: August 17, 2023]
  302. "Universal quantum computation in the surface code using non-Abelian islands", Katharina Laubscher, Daniel Loss, James Wootton, 2019 [reviewed: August 17, 2023]
  303. "Kitaev's Zd-Codes Threshold Estimates", Guillaume Duclos-Cianci, David Poulin, 2013 [reviewed: August 17, 2023]
  304. "Poking Holes and Cutting Corners to Achieve Clifford Gates with the Surface Code", Benjamin Brown, Katharina Laubscher, Markus Kesselring, James Wootton, 2017 [reviewed: August 17, 2023]
  305. "Fast decoders for qudit topological codes", Hussain Anwar, Benjamin Brown, Earl Campbell, Dan Browne, 2014 [reviewed: August 17, 2023]
  306. "Restrictions on Transversal Encoded Quantum Gate Sets", Bryan Eastin, Emanuel Knill, 2009 [reviewed: August 17, 2023]
  307. "Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation with Higher-Dimensional Systems", Daniel Gottesman, 1998 [reviewed: August 17, 2023]
  308. "The Heisenberg Representation of Quantum Computers", Daniel Gottesman, 1998 [reviewed: August 17, 2023]
  309. "Abelian Hypergroups and Quantum Computation", Juani Bermejo-Vega and Kevin C. Zatloukal, 2015 [reviewed: August 17, 2023]
  310. "Classical simulations of Abelian-group normalizer circuits with intermediate measurements", Juani Bermejo-Vega, Maarten Van den Nest [reviewed: August 17, 2023]
  311. "Efficient classical simulations of quantum Fourier transforms and normalizer circuits over Abelian groups", Maarten Van den Nest, 2012 [reviewed: August 17, 2023]
  312. "Stabilizer states and Clifford operations for systems of arbitrary dimensions, and modular arithmetic", Erik Hostens, Jeroen Dehaene, and Bart De Moor, 2005 [reviewed: August 17, 2023]
  313. "A linearized stabilizer formalism for systems of finite dimension", Niel de Beaudrap, 2011 [reviewed: August 17, 2023]
  314. "Normalizer Circuits and Quantum Computation", Juani Bermejo-Vega, 2016 [reviewed: August 17, 2023]
  315. "Dissecting Topological Quantum Computation", James Wootton, 2010 [reviewed: August 17, 2023]
  316. "Discrete gauge theories", Mark de Wild Propitius, F. Alexander Bais, 1996 [reviewed: July 28, 2023]
  317. "Topological views on computational complexity", Michael Freedman, 1998 [reviewed: July 27, 2023]
  318. "Anyon computers with smaller groups", Carlos Mochon, 2004 [reviewed: July 26, 2023]
  319. "Anyons from non-solvable groups are sufficient for universal quantum computation", Carlos Mochon, 2003 [reviewed: July 26, 2023]
  320. "Quantum computation with abelian anyons", Seth Lloyd, 2000 [reviewed: July 26, 2023]
  321. "Topological quantum computation", John Preskill, Walter Ogburn, 1998 [reviewed July 26, 2023]
  322. "Fault-tolerant quantum computation", John Preskill, 1997 [reviewed: July 26, 2023]
  323. "Quantum computation and the localization of modular functors", Michael Freedman, 2000 [reviewed: July 26, 2023]
  324. "The two-eigenvalue problem and density of Jones representation of braid groups", Michael Freedman, Michael Larsen, Zhenghan Wang, 2002 [reviewed July 25, 2023]
  325. "Quantum measurements and the Abelian stabilizer problem", Alexei Kitaev, 1995 [reviewed: July 25, 2023]
  326. "Quantum error correction with imperfect gates", Alexei Kitaev, 1997 [reviewed: July 25, 2023]
  327. "Unpaired Majorana Fermions in quantum wires", Alexei Kitaev, 2001 [reviewed: July 25, 2023]
  328. "Topological quantum computation", Michael Freedman, Alexei Kitaev, Michael Larsen, Zhenghan Wang, 2003 [reviewed: July 22, 2023]
  329. "A modular functor which is universal for quantum computation", Michael Freedman, Michael Larsen, Zhenghan Wang, 2002 [reviewed: July 22, 2023]
  330. "Simulations of topological field theories by quantum computers", Michael Freedman, Alexei Kitaev, Zhenghan Wang, 2002 [reviewed: July 22, 2023]
  331. "P/NP, and the quantum field computer", Michael Freedman, 1998 [reviewed: July 22, 2023]
  332. "Fault tolerant quantum computation by anyons", Alexei Kitaev, 1997 [reviewed: July 21, 2023]