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"Anyons in an exactly solved model and beyond", Alexei Kitaev, 2006

Reviewed March 23, 2024

Citation: Kitaev, Alexei. "Anyons in an exactly solved model and beyond." Annals of Physics 321.1 (2006): 2-111.

Web: https://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0506438

Tags: Foundational, Majorana-fermions, Modular-tensor-categories

This paper is without a doubt one of the most foundational and information-packed in the entire theory of topological phases. The first line is wonderfully poetic: "Certainly, the main result of the paper is an exact solution of a particular two-dimensional quantum model. However, I was sitting on that result for too long, trying to perfect it, derive some properties of the model, and put them into a more general framework. Thus many ramifications have come along". I feel in much a similar way about this review. I've been aware of this paper and I had read parts of it even before I started keeping literature reviews. As I keep reading new parts of the paper and finding more details, I keep having more things to say. It'll probably take me years until I have fully digested this paper.

Here are some of the highlights, in my opinion: