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"Anyons in an exactly solved model and beyond", Alexei Kitaev, 2006
Reviewed March 23, 2024
Citation: Kitaev, Alexei. "Anyons in an exactly solved model and beyond." Annals of Physics 321.1 (2006): 2-111.
Web: https://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0506438
Tags: Foundational, Majorana-fermions, Modular-tensor-categories
This paper is without a doubt one of the most
foundational and information-packed in the entire
theory of topological phases. The first line is wonderfully poetic:
"Certainly, the main result of the paper is an exact solution of a particular two-dimensional
quantum model. However, I was sitting on that result for too long, trying to perfect it, derive
some properties of the model, and put them into a more general framework. Thus many
ramifications have come along". I feel in much a similar way about this
review. I've been aware of this paper and I had read parts of it
even before I started keeping literature reviews. As I keep
reading new parts of the paper and finding more details, I keep
having more things to say. It'll probably take me years until
I have fully digested this paper.
Here are some of the highlights, in my opinion:
This paper introduced the idea of modular tensor categories
as anyons models. Certainly the connection between MTCs and topological
phases was not unknown - MTCs were first defined in the context of modular functors, even.
The new idea is to take all of these ideas outside of the context of field theory,
and use them to describe simply the behavior of quasiparticle excitations in
condensed matter systems. For most condensed matter theorists, this is
the birth of categorical methods in condensed matter.
This paper introduces the honeycomb code. This is the first
explicit Hamiltonian given for nonabelian anyons which seemed
reasonable to appear as-is (or essentially as-is) in real 2D quantum
material. This has since been essentially been all but confirmed,
with the most prominent material being RuCl3. The Hamiltonian
and its solution using Majorana degrees of freedom is seen
as Kitaev's most important contribution to many working
condensed matter theorists.
This paper introduced the sixteenfold way classification
of topological order with onsite Z2 symmetry. This sixteenfold
way (and its generalizations) are very important in the study
of fermionic topological order, and the variety of deep insights
given about Ising (and Ising-like) anyons in this paper
have guided researchers working with these models.