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"Conformal Field Theory Ground States as Critical Points of an Entropy Function", Ting-Chun Lin, John McGreevy, 2023

Reviewed September 4, 2024

Citation: Lin, Ting-Chun, and John McGreevy. "Conformal Field Theory Ground States as Critical Points of an Entropy Function." Physical Review Letters 131.25 (2023): 251602.

Web: https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.05444

Tags: Conformal-field-theory, MTC-reconstruction

This paper extends the entanglement bootstrap program to (1+1)D CFT, opening the door to the application of the entanglement bootstrap program to (2+1)D TQFT with gapless boundaries, because those gapless boundaries should be described by CFT.

The main aspect of this paper is the introduction of two key axioms which characterize the enganglement of ground states of CFTs, which look like the A0 and A1 axioms of entanglement bootstrap with an extra geometric term corresponding to the cross ratio of the endpoints of the intervals.

One very nice feature of these axioms is that even though they were introduced for CFTs, they work well for finite-size approximate CFTs (e.g. truncated spin chains). This makes their progress quite applicable to numerics, as they show in several numerical examples.

The previous state-of-the-art in this area was the derivation of chiral central charge:

> Kim, Isaac H., et al. "Chiral central charge from a single bulk wave function." Physical Review Letters 128.17 (2022): 176402.

John McGreevy does this paper justice in his online lecture about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXCn5FRAiC0.