Citation: Müger, Michael. "From subfactors to categories and topology I: Frobenius algebras in and Morita equivalence of tensor categories." Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 180.1-2 (2003): 81-157.
Tags: Mathematical, Subfactors, Modular-tensor-categories, Monoidal-categories, Foundational
In the words of the author: "The series of papers of which this is the first aims at extracting the remarkable categorical structure which is inherent in subfactor theory, generalizing it and putting it to use for the proof of new results in categorical algebra and low dimensional topology". Indeed, this paper is a great introduction to the theory of subfactors for those whose are categorically minded.
The main new content of this paper is the introduction of the notion of weak Mortia equivalence, and the deduction of its most essential properties.